With central banks on the verge of achieving their goals—supporting stability, profits, and asset prices—global political shifts risk upsetting the balance. Our CIOs describe these dynamics and what they mean for investors.

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Bridgewater Associates is a premier asset management firm, focused on delivering unique insight and partnership for the most sophisticated global institutional investors.

Our investment process is driven by a tireless pursuit to understand how the world’s markets and economies work — using cutting edge technology to validate and execute on timeless and universal investment principles.

Founded in 1975, we are a community of independent thinkers who share a commitment for excellence. By fostering a culture of openness, transparency, and inclusion, we strive to unlock the most complex questions in investment strategy, management, and corporate culture.

Latest from Bridgewater
March 6, 2025
US equity investors have experienced an extraordinary run. Now the world is changing, with new variables at play, from the AI boom to Trump—presenting distinct opportunities and challenges. How can investors position to continue capturing great returns, given the wide range of ways the world could play out? This paper explores these questions and introduces Bridgewater’s All Weather® approach designed for investors seeking to reliably compound their wealth.
March 4, 2025
CEO Nir Bar Dea joins Sonali Basak at Bloomberg Invest in New York to discuss the major forces shaping today’s macroeconomic landscape, how Bridgewater is positioned to help clients adapt, the ongoing technological revolution of AI, and the important roles that meritocracy and talent play in a rapidly evolving world.
February 20, 2025
Nir joins the “Board of Changemakers” panel at FII Priority in Miami to discuss ongoing geopolitical fragmentation, the changing macroeconomic landscape, and how Bridgewater has aligned itself to help investors navigate this challenging environment.
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Daniel Yergin, Atul Lele, Jim Haskel
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January 30, 2025
Bob Prince, Shane Murphy
Co-CIO Bob Prince discusses the gradual drift of economic conditions toward equilibrium and whether this process has room to run.
January 25, 2025
In a Fast Company piece, Deputy CIO Blake Cecil explores the meritocratic future of talent recruitment, and how Bridgewater’s approach has evolved to include innovative new methods—such as our global forecasting contest with Metaculus—for discovering exceptional talent.
January 22, 2025
Co-CIO Karen Karniol-Tambour gave an interview on Bloomberg while attending the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. During her conversation, Karen discussed the firm's global approach to investing, and how the changing global environment impacts investors. See important disclosures and other information here.
January 6, 2025
Bob Prince, Greg Jensen, Karen Karniol-Tambour
With central banks on the verge of achieving their goals—supporting stability, profits, and asset prices—global political shifts risk upsetting the balance. Our CIOs describe these dynamics and what they mean for investors.
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